The Great Jack O'Lantern Blaze: Long Island

1303 Round Swamp Rd
Old Bethpage, NY
Click To Call
(914) 366-6900
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Walk the immersive pumpkin trail on the grounds of a 19th-century village where thousands of hand-carved jack o'lanterns light up the night, complete with an all-original soundtrack, synchronized lighting, and special effects you have to see to believe. This family-friendly event is a real treat for all ages!
- Go under the sea with a giant pumpkin-octopus
- Be wowed by our gourd-geous mythical Montauk mermaid
- Kids will love our friendly Pumpkin Pals
- Be awed by giant 100+ pound carved Prizewinner pumpkins
- Watch LIVE pumpkin carving every night
Even More To Enjoy
- Browse Hall of Fame, gaze in wonder at the Pumpkin Planterium, and find your favorite classic Hollywood monster
- Stop by Café Blaze for favorites like cider donuts and pumpkin beer
- Browse the Blaze Boo-tique to find exclusive souvenirs and local delights