Moonlight Manor

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Rely on your wits, nerve, and cunning to survive as you pass through the Moonlight Manor haunted attractions. Trek through convoluted pathways crawling with shocks and cares, and try not to let your phobias get to you!

Moonlight Manor Haunt:
It is one of the largest, premium Halloween Yard Haunted Houses operating in Grand Rapids Michigan since 2006. It is an interactive, outdoor, walk-through, haunted house, Halloween event. Participants walk themselves through a convoluted pathway which presents various scenes associated with the Halloween theme Moonlight Manor Haunt. You will encounter live "scareactors" and many special effects. You never know what is around the next bend, when a scare prop or a "scareactor" might suddenly appear! Being startled is all part of the fun.

Come join us at the Moonlight Manor haunted house in Grand Rapids, Michigan and see for yourself Where your fears meet Living Nightmares!

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.

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