"Alice embarks on an exciting adventure in Pirateland, a thrilling walkthrough experience inside the HAVREHOUSELV event center. As Alice steps through the entrance, she's greeted by the echo of sea shanties and the sight of a vast, immersive pirate world. The air is filled with the smell of saltwater, and the sound of crashing waves and creaking ship masts sets the tone. Alice walks along a winding pathway, lined with pirate ships, treasure chests, and hidden coves. Cannons line the decks, pointing out toward the imaginary horizon. In the distance, she spots a towering pirate ship, its sails billowing as though ready to set sail. Pirates, dressed in their finest coats and hats, mingle with visitors, offering tales of legendary treasures and daring battles on the high seas. As Alice explores, she discovers secret passageways leading to hidden treasure rooms, where glittering gold coins and rare gems are piled high. There are interactive areas where she can try her hand at steering a ship and visiting various photo opportunities abound. The thrill of adventure is ever-present, with surprises lurking around every corner. With a heart full of adventure and a mind filled with tales of treasure, Alice leaves Pirate Land, knowing she’s experienced the magic and excitement of a pirate’s life firsthand." This highly ranked 1/3-acre Haunt is kid friendly and ADA accessible.
There is also a shop where you can buy souvenirs and other Pirate products.