The Fright Factory

The Fright Factory is waiting to unleash it's horror with our Fright Factory Haunted House located in a secluded area of Buckley, Washington where no one will hear you scream.
98% of our Haunt is Indoors & Wheelchair accessible, Free Parking, Food & Beverage vendors on site. So if your ready to live out your worst nightmares come see us in Buckley.
We are the Top Rate Haunt in the State. Our set designers and actors are some of the best at what they do which provides a very realistic and horrifying show. After all.....isn't that what you're looking for??
Latest Reviews
Went opening night of 2019. I drove two hours to get to Fright Factory because I was on a haunted house tour with my friends. While by itself, it’s not worth to drive two hours, it was the best haunted house on the tour. I work at a haunted house, so I mean it when I say that this is a wonderful haunted house. Whereas many haunted houses put in a lot of effort to the outside of the attraction (to bring in foot traffic), the opposite is true for this one. That is ok though, because for what they lack on the building’s exterior, is what they make up for in the frightening experience. A haunted house that is dependent on actors stinks if there is few or bad actors. Fright Factory did not only have many actors, but also has many great actors. The blend between static props, animatronics, and live actors was practically perfect. They must have spent big bucks on their animatronics, because they were top notch. I hope that their return on investment is large because I loved the animatronics and I don’t feel that is detracts from the actors’ performance. Maybe even more impressive than the actors or animatronics were the scenes. At times the scenery was so well done that I forgot to be scared. I was in awe at some of the set pieces, such as the pirate ship. Don’t get me wrong, it was still quite scary, but I couldn’t help but feel that I was in the Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland. You never would’ve expected this if you just saw the outside of the building, which looks like an old warehouse. I would like to see more line entertainment such as photo ops and actors in the coming seasons, as it will probably help your social media presence and the overall experience of guests. Obviously not worth driving two hours to see, however if you really like haunted houses, it would behoove you to drive up to an hour to experience this fantastic attraction.
Posted Dec 2019