Ghost Walks at Historic Farnsworth Inn
401 Baltimore Street
Gettysburg, PA
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We are the home of Gettysburg's longest running ghost tour company. For over 20 years the Farnsworth House has provided Gettysburg's original and exciting haunted tours.
Mourning Theater
Follow us down to the cellar of one of the most haunted inns in America. There your guide will tell you of the long, sad history of the Farnsworth House and the spirits that still remain. Decorated like a Victorian mourning parlor, complete with antique coffins, hair wreaths, and other relics of death, our cellar is the birthplace of ghost storytelling in Gettysburg.
East Cemetery Hill Walk
Take an evening walk around Gettysburg and explore a few of the town’s most haunted locations. Locations include the garret (attic) of the Farnsworth House, used by Confederates as a sharpshooter’s nest, the witness tree, the Jennie Wade house and “The Grove”, the site of a massive Confederate offensive on the evening of July 2nd, 1863.
Confederate Hospital Walk
The echoes of the sights, sounds, and smells of the wounded and dying still reverberate through Gettysburg. Begin your journey in the haunted cellar of the Farnsworth House, just below what used to be a make-shift hospital. Then head north into the heart of town and hear the grisly history and ghost stories of many buildings used as field hospitals by Union and Confederate alike. Please meet in front of the Farsnworth House.
Ghost Hunt
This is for those who want to create their own ghost stories. Use the equipment you see the pros use, including K-2 meters, thermal sensors, dowsing rods, digital voice recorders, and night vision/infrared viewers. Begin in the cellar of the Farnsworth House and then head out to “The Grove”, one of the most haunted battlefields at Gettysburg, to complete your investigation.
Creekside Stories
Storytelling the way the Civil War soldiers used to do it. Soldiers used to try and scare each other with stories from their homes right before bed and we are going to do the same for you by the glow of firelight (weather permitting). Join us by the banks of Weinbrenner’s Run as your guide tells you the type of stories that will keep you up at night and huddled together, as if that will help….
Mature Tour
Often imitated, never duplicated. Join the creator(s) of this tour for an irreverent look at ghost tours, intense accounts of the spirits and spirit encounters. Begin in the cellar of the Farnsworth House and then follow us out to the darkest edge of “The Grove”. These stories are not street-legal! This tour is guaranteed to entertain and offend. We rate it R for language and content.