The Haunted Trail

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Hike the Haunted Trail as ghouls, goblins, and gremlins dance among the pumpkins, pines, and pitchforks. Held at Sawmill Creek Park just north of Paradise on Whitefish Point Road.

Have a spookin' good time!

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.

Latest Reviews

  • I went thru the HAUNTED TRAIL the second year it opened. It wasn't bad. The actors did their part without a hitch! Fast forward to 2015 and like a fine wine the trail has gotten better. It is hard to scare me as i am an adult but the HAUNTED TRAIL scared me several times. The props have improved and the actors are good. It is kind hard to walk thru as it is set in a very piney area that has little hills so you can't see whats ahead of you. They have did a great job marking the trail and the props were fun! Please visit them, for a very small town they have did a great job!!!

    Posted Oct 2020

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