Will's Cackleberry Castle Pumpkin Farm

1175 Hillsboro Road
Camden, NY
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Will's Cackleberry Castle Pumpkin Farm is a place for Halloween fun for the whole family! We will have Halloween displays, Hayrides, Ms. Pumpkin, Bounce House, pumpkins, squash, apples, seasonal produce, cider, mums, fudge, pumpkin bread, pie, popcorn, donuts, hamburgers, hot dogs, maple syrup, honey, corn stalks, hay bales, and other novelty items for sale including t-shirts and sweatshirts..
There is several Halloween displays, lighted totem poles, a picnic area, and Mrs. Pumpkin will be talking to all visitors.
Children's play area
Halloween Displays
Mrs. Pumpkin the talking pumpkin
Night movies/bring your blanket
Jack-o'-lantern Totem Poles
Bouncy House
Animal Viewing Area
Spook Walk, a family friendly walk thru our corn field