Stonywood Scare - Commack House Haunt

35 Stonywood Drive
Commack, NY
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It's 2024 and this begins our 6th season of setting up a pretty darn awesome Halloween display in our front yard for ALL to see!! We have enjoyed watching everyone as they walk through and laugh, scream and sometimes jump! With each passing year it has gotten bigger and better!!! Hundreds came in 2023 and we had such great feedback!!!!
With well over 80 animatronics and props, 7 fog machines, over 90 lights and spooky music to help set the spoooktacular atmosphere, we're here to claim the #1 Home Haunt in Commack!!! Park your car and walk around to enjoy it to its fullest! Be sure to walk up our driveway and all the way to our front door as you never know what could be hiding...
We raised $800 for the NY Bully Crew Rescue in 2021 and we joined the 2022 Skeletons for St. Jude (SSJ) Fundraiser - "STONYWOOD SCARE for St. Jude" and raised over $7200!!! This past year, we raised $6000 for the Pellettiere/Ferrari Music Memorial Scholarship and awarded three deserving individuals with $2000 scholarships. Thank you again for all who donated and continue to do so every year.
This year we will be accepting donations for Wounded Warrior Project !!
*WARNING - Strobe lights are being used in our display.
Open Friday, October 11th, 2024 to Saturday, November 2nd (select days)
SUN's & THURS's 6P-9P
FRI's & SAT's 6P-10:30P
WED, 10/30 6P-9PM
Halloween 3PM-9PM (school night)
11/1 & 11/2 7PM-9PM
Please visit our FB page "Stonywood Scare" for daily hours and if we're closing due to bad weather.
And don't forget,
"We Scare because We Care!" ??
See you Scare!!!!